Introduction to Cardiovascular Rehabilitation

How the program works

  • The aim of the program is to get you on track to better heart health.
  • Six months in duration.
  • Free of charge.
  • Includes education, exercise, lifestyle coaching, and heart failure enhancement.
  • You will be assigned an Exercise Therapist who will develop your exercise prescription, regularly monitor your progress, review your risk factors, and provide you with encouragement and motivation.
  • We are currently offering both in-person and virtual programming.


Benefits of participating

  • Community: Fewer hospital visits, reduced length of stay if admitted to hospital, and improved connection with your healthcare professionals.
  • Cardiovascular System (heart & arteries): Improves fitness, endurance, and energy levels. Exercise has also been shown to improve cholesterol and fat levels in the blood, reduce inflammation in the arteries, and improve circulation. Research also indicates a decrease in the risk of experiencing cardiovascular disease in the future.
  • Brain: Improves the health of blood vessels in the brain, promotes the growth of new networks, and improves memory and thinking skills.
  • Diabetes: Improves blood sugar control and improves insulin sensitivity.
  • Stress/Emotional Wellbeing: Exercise has been shown to improve mood and can be an effective tool to manage daily stress.
  • Sleep: Improves sleep patterns and quality of sleep.
  • Weight: Can help you maintain and/or reach a healthy weight.

Who is eligible for the program

  • Individuals living with a cardiovascular concern.
  • Individuals living with multiple risk factors, such as:
    • History of smoking
    • Diabetes
    • High blood pressure
    • High cholesterol
    • Obesity – waist circumference
    • Inactive lifestyle

For more information

  • Speak to your Exercise Therapist.