I have a family history of heart disease. Both my father and grandfather died of heart attacks. I have been active my whole life and still run every day. I once ran for 10 000 straight days,(27 years). I had no symptoms but had a bypass in 2013. I had complications including Afib and pneumothorax which kept me in ICU during the big ice storm. They released me on Christmas eve and I began recovery during that cold winter. In March 2014 I began the 6 month cardiac rehab program at the Whitby Abilities Centre where I could begin running again. I joined the cardio rehab team as a volunteer at the Ajax site and met many patients worse off than myself. In 2016 I began to have long pauses at night and with my night HR in the 20s we decided on a pacemaker. A fib returned on and off until I had 2 ablations which worked well but by 2020 my heart function was reduced
Most recently, on Jan. 13 I had an early morning near death event, ( ventricular tachycardia) , and was in hospital for 8 days. My by-pass grafts were all clear , which was great news. They put in a 3 lead ICD which now seems to work well . We are adjusting medications to deal with the heat function issue, although I have no noticeable symptoms . It has been and up and down 8 years with many challenges , but all the hard work and extremely good care by doctors and nurses has left me humbled and thankful for the entire health care system.
Peter V.