What is resilience?
- Resilience is the ability to adapt to difficult situations and or experiences.
- When a negative experience or “crisis” occurs, it is normal for us to lose some functionality temporarily.
- This loss or reduction of functionality can be mental, physical or both.
- Resilience is the ability to ‘bounce back’. A person with high resilience will return to their normal functionality much quicker and more effectively than someone with low resilience.
Key attributes associated with resilience
- The most common personality traits and skills associated with resilience are as follows:
- Optimism
- Problem solving
- Self regulation
- Emotional awareness
- Willingness to adapt
- Positive social support(s)
- Sense of humour
Resilience and your health
- So, what does the research suggest:
- Individuals who display high resilience in adolescence have lower risk of developing coronary heart disease in middle age.
- Resilient individuals who have known coronary artery disease (who also complete cardiac rehab programs) have more significant improvements in their risk factor profile and mental health than their less resilient peers.
- A broad review of resilience in chronic disease populations shows a connection between high resilience and improved blood sugar control, reduced severity of depression and anxiety, lower incidents of coronary artery disease and better overall quality of life.
- A common conclusion was that developing and or improving personal resilience will have a positive effect on health.
Want more information?
- Speak to an Exercise Therapist.
- Check out the Next steps Tool box- Assessing Resilience
- Check out the Next Steps Tool box- Building Resilience- Vision
- Check out the Next Steps Tool box- Building Resilience- Composure