
Seated Yoga

Author Picture General Instructions: Have a stable chair or surface available for support Wear non-slip shoes Please work at your own comfort level Take breaks when needed and be mindful of your [...]

Seated Resistance Training – Weights

Author Picture General instructions Always complete a warmup and a cool down before and after resistance training. Select a weight that you are able to complete 8 to 10 repetitions of the exercise using [...]

Resistance Training – Weights

Author Picture General instructions Always complete a warmup and a cool down before and after resistance training. Select a weight (dumbbell) that you are able to complete 8 to 10 repetitions of [...]

Resistance Training – Bands

Author Picture General instructions Always complete a warmup and a cool down before and after resistance training. Select a band that you are able to complete 8 to 10 repetitions of the [...]

Warm Up

Author Picture General instructions Your warmup should last between 3 to 5 minutes, however, some people may need a slightly longer warmup. Your warmup should feel light on the RPE (Rating of [...]

Resistance Training Package

Author Picture General instructions Always complete a warm up and a cool down before and after resistance training. Select a weight (dumbbell or band) that you are able to complete 8 to [...]

Exercise is Medicine

Author Picture Why is exercise medicine? Exercise has been shown to prevent, treat or slow the progression of various chronic diseases. Just like over-the-counter medication, your exercise prescription will also include a [...]

Balance Training

Author Picture General instructions Complete 8 to 10 repetitions. Perform daily. Hold a sturdy object if needed for all standing exercises. Remember to breathe normally. Do not perform any exercise that causes [...]